Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The following script was used to generate the below list.

Code Block

DEL /F firmware-files.txt > NUL

SET "_SourceDir=D:\MVFirmware"
SET /a _CountFiles=0

FOR /f "delims=" %%A IN ('DIR /B /A-D "%_SourceDir%\*" ') DO (
	SET _FileName=%%A
	ECHO Processing !_FileName!...
	SET /a _CountFiles+=1
	FOR /f "delims=" %%C IN ('find /c /v "~~~" "%_SourceDir%\!_FileName!"') DO (
		CALL :setcount %%C

SET _Count


IF "%2" neq "" shift&GOTO setcount

SET _LineCount=%1
IF !_LineCount! GTR 189 (
	ECHO File: !_FileName!
	ECHO Lines: !_LineCount!

	ECHO !_FileName! ^(!_LineCount!^)>> firmware-files.txt
	REM ECHO Lines: !_LineCount! >> firmware-files.txt

To use the script:

  1. Save/extract all .dat files to a directly
  2. Save the above script to your computer.
  3. Edit the "_SourceDir" variable to match the directory the files were saved to in step 1
  4. Run the script.
  5. It will create a text file named firmware-files.txt containing the file name and line count of any firmware that will require a C-0103-B reader.


8D10CenturionTest.dat (194)
8D12CenturionTest.dat (195)
8D13CenturionTEST.dat (195)
8D14CenturionTEST.dat (196)
8D15CenturionTEST.dat (196)
8D16CenturionDryerTEST.dat (196)
8D17CenturionTEST.dat (196)
8D18CenturionTEST.dat (196)
8D19CenturionTESTX.dat (196)
8D20CenturionTEST.dat (196)
8D21CenturionTEST.dat (195)
8D22CenturionTEST.dat (196)
8D23CenturionTEST.dat (197)
8D6CenturionTest.dat (191)
8D7CenturionTest.dat (190)
8D9CenturionTest.dat (190)
8V001v1.13.01.dat (252)
8V001v1.13.02.dat (252)
8V001v1.13.06.dat (254)
8V001v1.14.03.dat (262)
8V001v1.14.14.dat (241)
8V001v1.14.15.dat (241)
8V001v1.14.25.dat (243)
8V001v1.14.26.dat (243)
8V001v1.14.29.dat (243)
8V001v1.14.30.dat (243)
8V001v1.14.31.dat (240)
8V001v1.14.32.dat (240)
8V001v1.16.02.dat (213)
8V001v1.16.03.dat (213)
8V001v1.17.13.dat (219)
8V001v1.17.14.dat (220)
8V001v1.17.15.dat (220)
8V001v1.19.02.dat (220)
8V001v1.19.04.dat (220)
8V007v1.13.06.dat (205)
8V007v1.13.07.dat (205)
8V007v1.13.08.dat (210)
8V010v1.16.00.dat (250)
8V010v1.17.00.dat (239)
8V010v1.19.00.dat (245)
8V010v1.19.01.dat (248)
8V010v1.19.02.dat (248)
8V010v1.19.03.dat (247)
8V010v1.21.00.dat (247)
8V010v1.21.01.dat (247)
8V011v1.13.01.dat (207)
8V011v1.13.03.dat (209)
8V011v1.13.04.dat (210)
8V011v1.13.06.dat (207)
8V015v1.17.00.dat (191)
8V015v1.18.00.dat (191)
8V015v1.18.01.dat (191)
8V015v1.18.05.dat (191)
8V015v1.18.06.dat (191)
8V015v1.18.07.dat (191)
8V015v1.18.08.dat (191)
8V015v1.18.09.dat (191)
8V016v1.11.08.dat (263)
8V016v1.11.11.dat (263)
8V016v1.11.13.dat (266)
8V016v1.11.15.dat (240)
8V016v1.11.16.dat (241)
8V016v1.11.17.dat (241)
8V016v1.11.18.dat (241)
8V016v1.11.19.dat (241)
8V016v1.11.20.dat (241)
8V016v1.11.21.dat (241)
8V016v1.11.22.dat (241)
8V016v1.12.01.dat (243)
8V016v1.13.06.dat (261)
8V016v1.14.03.dat (262)
8V016v1.14.06.dat (260)
8V016v1.14.07.dat (260)
8V016v1.14.08.dat (260)
8V016v1.14.09.dat (260)
8V016v1.14.16.dat (254)
8V016v1.14.17.dat (255)
8V016v1.14.18.dat (255)
8V016v1.14.34.dat (255)
8V016v1.14.38.dat (242)
8V016v1.15.01.dat (228)
8V016v1.15.02.dat (228)
8V016v1.15.03.dat (228)
8V016v1.16.02.dat (219)
8V016v1.16.09.dat (220)
8V016v1.17.10.dat (224)
8V016v1.17.11.dat (223)
8V016v1.17.12.dat (225)
8V016v1.17.13.dat (225)
8V016v1.18.00.dat (225)
8V016v1.18.03.dat (225)
8V016v1.19.03.dat (224)
8V016v1.19.04.dat (224)
8V016v1.19.05.dat (224)
8V017v1.11.08.dat (263)
8V017v1.11.14.dat (267)
8V017v1.11.23.dat (243)
8V017v1.11.25.dat (243)
8V018v1.11.01.dat (213)
8V018v1.11.05.dat (263)
8V018v1.11.08.dat (263)
8V018v1.11.09.dat (263)
8V018v1.11.10.dat (263)
8V018v1.11.11.dat (214)
8V018v1.11.23.dat (218)
8V018v1.11.25.dat (218)
8V018v1.11.26.dat (218)
8V018v1.14.00.dat (235)
8V018v1.14.07.dat (235)
8V018v1.14.09.dat (235)
8V018v1.14.10.dat (232)
8V018v1.14.11.dat (232)
8V018v1.14.12.dat (232)
8V018v1.14.35.dat (232)
8V018v1.14.36.dat (232)
8V018v1.17.13.dat (211)
8V018v1.17.14.dat (211)
8V018v1.18.00.dat (212)
8V019v1.13.06.dat (206)
8V019v1.13.07.dat (207)
8V019v1.13.08.dat (210)
8V019v1.13.09.dat (210)
8V020v1.13.05.dat (208)
8V020v1.13.06.dat (208)
8V020v1.13.08.dat (209)
8V020v1.14.02.dat (209)
8V021v1.14.33.dat (244)
8V021v1.14.37.dat (246)
8V022v1.14.27.dat (211)
8V022v1.14.39.dat (209)
8V023v1.17.12.dat (225)
8V023v1.17.13.dat (223)
8V023v1.19.00.dat (222)
8V023v1.19.01.dat (222)
8V023v1.19.04.dat (222)
8V10AllianceACATEST.dat (202)
8V11AllianceACATEST.dat (203)
8V12AllianceACATEST.dat (203)
8V13AllianceACATEST.dat (202)
8V14AllianceACATEST.dat (202)
8V15AllianceACA.dat (202)
8V15AllianceACATEST.dat (206)
8V16AllianceACATest.dat (206)
8V17AllianceACATest.dat (206)
8V18AllianceACA_Test1.dat (207)
8V1AllianceACA.dat (202)
8V1AllianceACATEST.dat (228)
8V21AllianceACATEST.dat (216)
8V23AllianceACA.dat (218)
8V23AllianceACA_TEST2.dat (219)
8V23AllianceACA_TEST3.dat (220)
8V23AllianceACA_TEST7.dat (214)
8V2Dexter.dat (203)
8V2Dexter_Test4.dat (203)
8V3DexterTest.dat (203)
8V3Dexter_Test2.dat (259)
8V3Dexter_Test3.dat (259)
8V3Dexter_Test4.dat (259)
8V3Dexter_Test6.dat (259)
8V3Dexter_Test7.dat (260)
8V4AllianceACATEST.dat (203)
8V4DexterTest.dat (203)
8V5AllianceACATEST.dat (203)
8V6AllianceACATEST.dat (202)
8V7AllianceACATEST.dat (202)
8V7DexterTest.dat (203)
8V8AllianceACATEST.dat (203)
8V9AllianceACATEST.dat (202)