How-to create a VPN connection in Apple iOS 10+

How-to create a VPN connection in Apple iOS 10+





Required Hardware

iOS 10+ remote access configuration specifically requires the aforementioned updated C-4311 Firewall. Units shipped before Nov 14, 2016  require reconfiguration and cannot be upgraded in the field.

Click the following link for more information: LaundryCard VPN with Apple iOS10 / macOS Sierra.

Other Requirements

  • Store Static IP address.

  • CCI-provided Username.

  • Your saved password is established for the LaundryCard system.


Password Creation

When first requesting login rights from CCI, you will receive an email with your username and a temporary placeholder password with instructions to enroll and set a new password.

For more information regarding our Self Service Password Management System, click the following link: LaundryCard Self-Service Password Management Website.


The VPN Menu

Accessing the VPN menu can be done in a number of ways.

Settings → VPN

If you already have a VPN service of any kind, whether manually set up or through an app, the VPN button will be immediately accessible on the main Settings menu.

  • From the Home screen, tap on the Settings icon.

  • Tap on the VPN button.

Settings → General → VPN

If you have never set up a VPN previously, the VPN menu will be accessible from the General submenu of the Settings page.

  • From the Home screen, tap on the Settings icon.

  • Tap on General, then tap on VPN.

iOS Search Function

  • From the Home Screen, Swipe down from anywhere on the screen except the top row.

  • Type VPN in the search.

  • Tap on the search result VPN (General → VPN) in the Settings section.

Add a VPN

  1. From the VPN menu, tap on Add VPN Configuration

  2. Tap Type near the top of the screen.

  3. Select L2TP from the list of options to check-enable L2TP as the connection type.

  4. Tap Add Configuration to return to the previous screen.

  5. Fill in the following fields, leaving any other settings as is:

    • Description: Customer's assigned name for connection.

    • Server: The static IP address of the store.

    • Account: The username provided by CCI.

    • Password: The password provided by CCI. It is strongly recommended to not use the given placeholder password.

    • Secret: NoMoreCoins2Collect 

    • Send All Traffic: On

  6. Press Done.

  7. Once the VPN has been created, tap the VPN toggle switch to turn on the selected VPN connection.

  8. The system will indicate a successful connection by displaying "Status: Connected" and a small "VPN" icon will display at the top of the screen. 

Access the System

  1. Once you are connected to the VPN, open up your preferred internet browser and enter the following: 

    1. X-Changer A's access: 

    2. X-Changer B's access: 

  2. You should now see the Manager Options page just as you would if you were at the store.

  3. When finished make sure to disconnect the VPN.

  4. OPTIONAL: Bookmark the page for quick access once connected to the VPN.

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