FasCard Admin Site - Loyalty Account Activity

FasCard Admin Site - Loyalty Account Activity


The Account Activity page is only accessible by users with Admin or Loyalty Account privileges.  This page is used to view Loyalty Account activity and is intended to be used by store owners and management personnel.  

On this Page

Viewing Account Activity

Users can view account-specific activity history of each Loyalty Account user by navigating to the Accounts page under the Loyalty tab. Simply search or select the desired Loyalty Account and click the View Activity button in the Account Details section of the page. The activity listing is a detailed record of the selected Loyalty accounts system activity with transactions listed in date/time order. Recent transactions sort to the top of the list, with older transactions appearing below in chronological order.

The default date range loads the current day and can be modified to filter results to include any existing records.  The time zone defaults to the same time zone as the active user but can be modified using the Time Zone dropdown menu.

Once the chosen date range is entered, click Filter Activity to generate the report.

Loyalty Account activity can be emailed once generated by entering an email address into the field at the bottom of the generated report page adjacent to the Email Activity button. Click Email Activity to send the report to the entered email address.






This indicates the name of the location where transaction occurred and appears as a heading to the relevant block of transactions.  Transactions occurring online or via mobile device are listed as 'Web'.


This indicates the date of the transaction and appears as part of the header adjacent to Location.


This indicates the time of the transaction.

Machine #

This indicates the address of the card reader on which the transaction occurred.

Equip Type

This indicates the name of the configured equipment type where the transaction occurred.

Card Number

This indicates the FasCard number or last 4 digits of credit card with which the transaction was performed.


  • If a new card is dispensed that is associated with this account, this will indicate the number of the newly dispensed card.

  • This indicates the type of transaction that occurred.

  • Non-admin employee/user accounts are able to see any adjustments they themselves personally made.


This indicates the cash transaction amount in dollars, where customer money spent is contained within parentheses; i.e. ($1.00) indicates a customer purchase of one dollar.


This indicates the credit transaction amount in dollars, where customer money spent is contained within parentheses; i.e. ($1.00) indicates a customer purchase of one dollar.


This indicates the Loyalty Balance transaction amount in dollars, where customer money spent is contained within parentheses; i.e. ($1.00) indicates a customer purchase of one dollar.  An amount not contained within parentheses indicates balance was added to the Loyalty Account (typically through cash or credit purchase).


This indicates the Loyalty Bonus transaction amount in dollars, where customer money spent is contained within parentheses; i.e. ($1.00) indicates a customer purchase of one dollar.  An amount not contained within parentheses indicates bonus funds were added to the Loyalty Account (typically through a reward program).

Remain Credit

This indicates the combined balance and bonus values remaining following the transaction.

Loyalty Points

This indicates the number of Loyalty Points remaining on the account following the transaction.

Free Drys

This indicates the number of Free Dry credits remaining on the account following the transaction.