FasCard Admin Site - Configure Alerts

FasCard Admin Site - Configure Alerts


The Configure Alerts page is only accessible by users with Admin or System Maintenance privileges.  This page is used to send email alerts to users when various events occur.  Alerts can be configured for one or more locations or FasCard Admin Site - Location Groups (if enabled).

On this Page

Managing System Alerts

System Alerts can be configured using any valid email address and thus can be used to notify owners, managers, or trusted attendants of system outages or coin boxes that need to be emptied.  Once configured, Alerts are completely automated and will continue to send email notices at intervals until the triggering condition is no longer met (i.e. collection has been performed, satellite is back online, etc). 

  • Alerts can be configured to notify the user of satellite outages, collections performed, or that a coin/cash box is full and needs collection.

  • Alerts can be temporarily disabled by using the Silence feature, described on the Active Alerts page.

  • When attempting to edit an alert and an invalid value / field entry displays, a red alert will display above the Configure Alerts title page indicating the error. 

  • Minimum timers are required and a red alert will display below any minutes set that go outside of the required threshold.

    • When this happens, the Save button becomes inaccessible until edited properly.

Alert Types and Details





Satellite Offline Alert

This Alert sends an email when a satellite access point has lost its connection to the FasCard server for longer than the chosen time period.

  • Minimum time setting is 5 minutes.

  • Reminders are sent at configured intervals until satellite is back online or until Alert is silenced.

  • A follow up alert will be sent once satellite returns to an online state.

The email alert will contain information like:

  • Some instructions of what to check which may resolve the issue

  • Account Name and Number

  • Location Name and ID

  • SAP Name

  • SAP ID

  • Start Time

  • Elapsed Time

Coin/Cash Box Full Alert

This Alert sends an email when a coin box exceeds 90% of its capacity.

  • Reminders are sent at configured intervals until the collection is performed on the FasCard reader.

As of Release33, alerts for both Coin box #2 also generate.

Collection Alert

This Alert sends an email when a collection is performed on card reader.

  • A single email will be sent for all machines collected within the configured interval to prevent excessive email.

Primary Uplink Inactive Alert

This alert sends an email when the primary internet source (Port 1) becomes inactive by any means.

Backup Uplink Offline Alert

This alert sends an email when the backup internet source (Port 2) becomes inactive by any means.

Configuring and Using System Alerts


Follow the steps below to create an alert.

  1. Navigate to the Active Alerts page under the System tab. Click Configure Alerts.

  2. Click Add New.

  3. Select the Alert type from the dropdown menu.

  4. Select one or more Locations or Location Groups (if enabled) from the list.

  5. Select Enable to enable the Alert.

  6. Enter one or more email addresses (separated by a comma).

  7. Configure duration and interval of Alert.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Browser returns to Configure Alerts page and displays 'Alert Saved' message.

  10. Alert is displayed as enabled in Status column.


Disabling and Deleting Alerts


Follow the steps below to disable an alert.

  1. Navigate to the Active Alerts page under the System tab. Click Configure Alerts.

  2. Click the row of the enabled Alert to be disabled.

  3. Click the Enable checkbox to clear the check mark.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Browser returns to Configure Alerts page and displays 'Alert Saved' message.

  6. Alert is displayed as disabled in Status column.


To delete an alert:

  1. Click the row of the alert to be deleted.

  2. Click Delete.

  3. Click OK to confirm deletion or click Cancel.


Clicking OK will delete the selected alert, removing it from the alerts table.