FasCard Loyalty Site & Mobile App - Log In

FasCard Loyalty Site & Mobile App - Log In





Accessing Loyalty Accounts

  • Users can navigate to the Loyalty site using a custom link provided by store management or by entering m.fascard.com into their browser.

  • Users can also download and open the FasCard Mobile App on their iOS or Android device.

  • The English/Español button will toggle the language on this page.

  • Selecting the Remember Me option will save the user credentials and skip the Log In process when navigating to the Loyalty site if the browser is closed and re-opened.

Customers with an existing account can use this page to sign into their Loyalty account or recover a lost password.  New users can register their Loyalty account using the Sign Up button.  

Log In

Logging into the site requires an existing Loyalty account.  To register a new Loyalty account, see Sign Up, below.  

  1. If you previously selected "Remember Me" on a prior log-in attempt, the fields will autofill your credentials.

  2. Enter existing account name in the username field.

  3. Enter account password in the password field. (Select the Remember Me box to pre-fill your password information on your next log-in.)

  4. Click Log In.

  5. Users will be redirected to the Welcome Page.

Sign Up

Loyalty users can register a new account by using the Sign Up button. To view a step by step guide to registering a new user account, click the expanding header below this box titled 'Sign Up - Step by Step'.


  1. Navigate to the Loyalty site using a web browser and click Sign Up.

  2. FasCard Welcome screen will load. Click Next.

  3. Enter a valid email address.

  4. Choose a preferred default language from the dropdown menu.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Retrieve the registration code sent via email to the entered email address.
    NOTE: If Loyalty Customers were directly added using the FasCard Admin Site - Loyalty Accounts page for signing up instead, they will receive an email with a link to the mobile site to commence the registration process through the 'Forgot Your Password?' function.

  7. Enter the registration code and click Next.
    NOTE: If a Registration code has not been used after an hour when attempting to create a password, the system will send a new Registration code when using the expired code.

  8. Enter a new password- passwords must be a minimum of eight characters, including at least one upper case letters, one lower case letter, and one number.

  9. Enter the same password in the second field.

  10. Click Save.

  11. If both passwords match and follow the password creation rules, password will be saved and the Welcome Page will load.

Forgot Password

Loyalty site users with an existing account that have lost their password may use the forgot your password? link to initiate password recovery.  To view a step by step guide to password recovery, click the expanding header below this box titled 'Password Recovery - Step by Step'.



  1. Navigate to the Loyalty site using a web browser.

  2. Click forgot your password?

  3. Enter the email address associated with the Loyalty account.

  4. Click Next.

  5. A verification email will be sent to the address entered.

  6. Retrieve the registration code contained within the email.

  7. Enter the registration code and click Next.

  8. Enter a new password- passwords must be a minimum of eight characters, including at least one upper case letters, one lower case letter, and one number.

  9. Enter the same password in the second field.

  10. Click Save.

  11. If both passwords match and abide by the password creation rules listed above, the Welcome Page will load.

Biometric Security (Fingerprint Scan, Touch ID, Face ID)

On an Android or iOS device, an additional checkbox is available for Biometric Security.

Checking the 'enable biometric security' box also auto-checks the 'remember me' box. As such, upon opening the application, you will instead be prompted for a fingerprint scan prior to being granted access to the FasCard Mobile App, adding an alternative secure means of logging in without a need to enter credentials or immediately skipping to a Welcome Page or Dashboard when opening the application. 

For Android devices, this is achieved through the Fingerprint Unlock prompt, depending on the Android device's capabilities and if the function is permitted, to securely access the application.

For iOS devices, this is achieved via Touch ID or Face ID, depending on what the iOS device permits and if the function is enabled, to securely access the application.

Terms | Privacy | Credits

These links will open the relevant Terms of UsePrivacy Policy, and Credits documents.