F3: FasCard Reader

F3: FasCard Reader


The third generation (F3) FasCard/FLEX reader provides full EMV functionality, from chip cards to NFC, while retaining the necessary swipe capability. This document goes over the product in detail, as well as required steps for when first powering and assigning the device a machine number.

Part ID



Part ID




F3 FasCard Reader
Front Mount
Coins, Credit/Debit, Loyalty


With the release of the second generation (F2) FasCard/FLEX reader, a color touchscreen, vertical swipe motion and smartphone Near Field Communication (NFC) payment were part of its functionality. The third generation (F3) FasCard/FLEX reader improves on these features and functions while maintaining compatibility and the same user interface form and feel as F2 readers.

Features and Functions

As the third generation reader carries over all the previous functions of the second generation reader (full-color touchscreen, two coin drop connectors, serial and pulse connectors), F3 FasCard/FLEX readers also include:

  • Full range EMV compliant credit/debit acceptance of the four (4) major providers: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover.

    • EMV Chip cards.

    • Tap-to-Charge NFC cards.

    • Smartphone NFC (Apple Pay/Android Pay).

    • Swipe fallback and swipe-only cards.

Internal Connections

Initial Use


When first powering up the device and connecting to an active Satellite with a configured machine number and assigned reader firmware that uses EMV firmware and EMV configuration, DO NOT POWER OFF READER!

Interrupting the internal VP3300 update in progress could cause potential issues to the VP3300 EMV reader and possibly render EMV Chip / Contactless / Swipe functionalities inoperative.

After first powering the F3 reader and assigning a machine number, once the reader firmware is downloaded, it is imperative that the VP3300 EMV reader (labeled IDT in the Diagnostic screen) reaches a Ready state.

  1. Swipe a Manager's Card or, if within less than two minutes of the reader restarting post-download, hold finger down on touchscreen for 5+ seconds.

    1. DO NOT POWER OFF READER to power cycle as it may interrupt a VP3300 update in progress.

  2. Navigate to Diagnostic Menu, then Start Diagnostics.

Once the Diagnostics screen displays, the IDT: field will, then, be visible, indicating its status.


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