Add Value to a Card

Add Value to a Card

Insert your card into the card reader on the X-changer, and the balance shows on the screen. (Leave your card in while you do the other steps.) Insert bills into the bill acceptor and your balance will be updated automatically. If you received any bonuses your balance will be automatically updated and you will see 'Touch For More Details' in the balance window. Touching the balance window will show you the breakdown of bonus and balance info as shown below.

In some locations it may be possible to use your credit card to add value to your card. If this feature is available then you will see an option on the screen that you may select to use a credit card. Once this option is selected you will be prompted and guided through swiping your credit card, entering a value to transfer, and processing the transaction. A receipt may be available from a remote printer in the store, see the store attendant for the location of the receipt printer. Remove your card when finished.