Disable a Card Reader

Disable a Card Reader

Insert your card into the X-Changer. An Equipment screen appears that shows every machine number on a grid. The numbers are color-coded: black means the machine is okay, blue means the machine is running, and red means the machine is disabled.

Touch the machine number that you wish to disable, the machine detail screen will appear. Select the reason for disabling the machine from the menu, and the current status will be updated.  Touch the DONE option and the machine will be disabled.

The Machine Info Screen

This screen has a Current Status at the top, which indicates whether the machine is okay (Status 1),whether it's currently running (Status 2), or why it's out of service (Status 3-12). Select the closest description for why the machine is not functioning properly. The new status number will appear at the top.  Touch DONE to exit. Notice that on the Equipment screen, that machine now appears red.  This screen also will display the selected machines Model and Serial Number as well as the date the machine was put into service. This information is located in the upper left hand corner of the screen. This information should have been entered into the system when either the machine was added to the store or when the card system was installed. If this information is not displaying, it can be added through the manager's functions.  This screen also will display the last card that was used to start this machine, this information is located just beneath the machine number in Blue text.