


It may be desirable over time to clear out old abandon cards that have not been used for some time.  This function will allow a user to designate the criteria for which cards should be deleted.  Follow the below steps to purge cards.


Purging Cards

To access this function, your specific Card ID (The 12-digit number on the back of the card) must have PURGE selected under CARDS in permission settings.  Please see your store Owner/Manager to update your permission settings.  See Permission Settings and Functions for more information on how to set permissions.

Only cards that have been dispensed for at least 1 year can be purged.

  1. Select CARDS from the main menu. 

  2. Select PURGE.

  3. Complete the following information to purge the cards.





Balance <

Includes all cards with a balance less than the amount entered here

Last Used Before

Includes all cards last used before the date entered here.

Issued Before

Includes all the cards issued before the date entered here.

Show Card Details

When checked, includes the details of each card's history

Include Cards Never Used

When checked, includes all cards never dispensed

Number of Cards

Includes the number of cards to be purged

Minimum Balance

Includes cards with the minimum amount of money entered here

Maximum Balance

Includes cards with the maximum amount of money entered here

Average Balance

Includes cards with the average amount of money entered here on the card

Total Balance

Includes cards with the total amount of money entered here on the card

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