Advanced LaundryCard Live

Advanced LaundryCard Live


The Advanced LaundryCard Live User Guide provides a detailed breakdown of the myriad of features available through Advanced LaundryCard Live (ALCL).

Advanced LaundryCard Live (ALCL) is a range of comprehensive features designed to enhance the LaundryCard Live experience.

From active monitoring and notification to on-demand reports and charts regardless of device, Advanced LaundryCard Live places all you need to know about your LaundryCard store(s) in your hands.

For more information about Advanced LaundryCard Live (ALCL), click on the following link to learn how you can upgrade with an Advanced LaundryCard Live (ALCL) Subscription.


Advanced LaundryCard Live features require in-store X-Changers' software updated to LaundryCard v9.1.8 or newer.

If a store location is using LaundryCard Version 8 or prior, a Version 9 upgrade is required. Click Here to view LaundryCard Version 9 Upgrade Details or you may contact CCI Technical Support at (866) 860-1660 directly for more information.