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Accepting EBT in Your FasCard/FLEX Store - Requirements & Pricing

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This document outlines the requirements and processing for accepting EBT payments in your laundromat. If you are interested in accepting EBT, please read through this entire document. If you have any questions, or would like to get the process started, you can contact CCI support at (630) 930-5115 extension 2.

Click here to sign up for EBT for FasCard/FLEX

*Disregard sign up if you’ve already filled out our interest form.

General Information

Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) is an electronic system that allows a participant to make purchases using general welfare benefits. For a customer to use EBT for laundromat purchases, their card must be tied to a Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), cash benefits program. Click here to learn more about accepting EBT cards in Laundromats.

If an EBT card is not tied to a cash benefits program, the card will be declined.

In order for your laundromat to begin accepting EBT, you must meet the hardware and software requirements of your card system. See information below for me details, and contact CCI if you would like to proceed!

Adding the EBT service to your FasCard/FLEX will increase your CCI hosting fees by $10 per month per location.

EBT Acceptance Checklist

  1. Your Touch Kiosk(s) must be using the VP3300 EMV Bezels (listed below in hardware requirements).

  2. Your Add-Value Kiosk(s) must be using an F2 or F3 reader (touchscreen enabled).

  3. You must currently be on (or moved to) WorldNet credit card gateway.

  4. You must currently be on (or moved to) ISVPay merchant processor.

Processor Requirements

In order to accept EBT in your FasCard/FLEX system, you need to be on the gateway processor WorldNet, and you need to be on the payment processor ISVPay. If you are on WorldNet but not currently using ISVPay for your merchant processing, you will need to migrate in order to accept EBT payments. Our support team will assist with the migration to Worldnet and ISVPay.

Processor Pricing

If you are already processing on the Worldnet gateway then no change is required, if a change is required Worldnet replaces your current gateway (, Bridgepay, or Pineapple)

Pricing for the Worldnet payment gateway is included below:

Monthly fee: $15
Fee per transaction: $.07
One Time Setup Fee: $99 (Separate from CCI's setup fee)

EBT Enablement:  $25 per month, unlimited transactions (Collected through ISVPay)

Once the EBT interest form is filled out a representative from ISVPay will be in contact to answer any questions related to all merchant processing costs. Disregard if you’ve already filled out our interest form.

Hardware Requirements

In order to accept EBT cards at the Touch Kiosk in your FasCard system, you must be using the VP3300 EMV Bezel for accepting credit/debit cards.

In order to accept EBT cards at the Add-Value Kiosk in your FasCard system, you must be either the F2 or F3 FasCard Touchscreen Reader for accepting credit/debit cards.

Support for EBT payments on the F2 and F3 readers at the Washer/Dryer level will arrive in a future FasCard Release.

Hardware Pricing & Ordering

Upgrading your Touch Kiosks with an EMV Bezel starts by filling out this form:

Part IDDescriptionList PriceImage

EMV Bezel

For Touch Kiosk


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