ERROR: Unable to connect to 'InstallRef' database.
Source: Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server
Number: -2147467259
Description: Cannot open database "CCI_InstallRef" requested by the login. The login failed.
Source: Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server
Number: -2147467259
Description: Cannot open database "CCI_InstallRef" requested by the login. The login failed.
Install Mounting Hardware
Connect Power
Connect Coin Sense Harness
Connect Machine Interface Harness
Connect and Mount Reader
Machine Configuration
No special configuration required.
ERROR: Unable to connect to 'InstallRef' database.
Source: Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server
Number: -2147467259
Description: Cannot open database "CCI_InstallRef" requested by the login. The login failed.
Source: Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server
Number: -2147467259
Description: Cannot open database "CCI_InstallRef" requested by the login. The login failed.