3638 F1 Reader Install Guide

3638 F1 Reader Install Guide

Install Mounting Hardware

Connect Power

Connect Coin Sense Harness

Connect Machine Interface Harness

Connect and Mount Reader

  1. Feed remaining harness ends through the mounting hole as described in the F1 Reader Mounting Guide.

  2. Connect the free end of the C-5265 Machine Start Harness to port 2 (Pulse Connection Port) as shown in the image above.

  3. Connect the free end of the C-5360 Coin Sense Harness to port 3 (Coin Sense Harness Connection Port) as shown in the image above.

  4. Connect the free end of the C-5500 Power Harness to port 4.

  5. Secure the FasCard reader to base as described in the F1 Reader Mounting Guide.

Machine Configuration

Singlevend - Coin Pulse

  1. Enter the machine's System Menu and set the following settings (See machine programming manual for more info.)

    1. Machine Settings

      1. Liquid Soap Supply: Enabled

    2. Payment Settings:

      1. Enable Types: Disable all payment types

      2. Coin Options: Single

      3. Coin 1 Value: Intended Vend Price

      4. Coin 2 Value: Intended Vend Price

      5. Serial Payment System: Disabled

  2. On the FasCard Admin site, create a SingleVend equipment type with the following settings:

    1. Mode: Simple

    2. Pulse Length: 1000

    3. Pulse Interval: 250

    4. Pulse Type: Relay

    5. Sensor Input: Required Off

    6. Show Remaining Time: Disabled

    7. Cycle Time: 600 Seconds

    8. # Pulses: 1