Add Value to a Card

Add Value to a Card


This page is intended to describe how customers can add value to their LaundryCard using cash as well as a credit/debit card.


Dollar amounts shown in below instructions are examples and may not be consistent monetarily.

Add Value To a Card Using Cash

  1. Insert your card into the X-changer.  The balance will show on the screen. (Leave your card inserted while you complete the other steps.)
  2. Insert bills into the bill acceptor and your balance will be updated automatically.
  3. *If you received any bonuses, your balance will be automatically updated and you will see additional money on your card.
  4. Select More Details in the balance window to see the breakdown of money on your card. 

Add Value To a Card Using a Credit Card (C-1008 Ingenico EMV Bezel)

In some locations, it may be possible to use your credit card to add value to your card. If this feature is available, you will see an option on the screen that you may select to use a credit card. Once this option is selected, you will be guided through inserting, swiping, or using an NFC-capable device or card on the credit card bezel. A receipt may be available from a remote printer in the store of your transaction. See the store attendant for the location of the receipt printer.  


Non-EMV credit cards such as a Kohl's charge card or a Home Depot charge card are NOT ACCEPTED to add value or purchase a new LaundryCard.

  1. Insert your LaundryCard into the X-Changer.  Your balance will appear.
  2. Select the Credit/Debit button.

  3. Enter the value amount you want to add to your LaundryCard.
  4. Click Submit. 

  5. Complete the rest of the transaction on the credit card bezel.

  6. Select the yellow Start Button on the credit card bezel to approve the transaction.

    1. For stores with a Credit Card Surcharge percentage entered in General Information Setup, the total "SALE" amount shown will be the subtotal plus the percentage amount already applied.
  7. Insert your card when instructed, chip first, facing you.

  8. The transaction is processing.

  9. Wait until the transaction is finished processing before removing it.
  10. Once the transaction is finished, it's safe to remove your card when prompted.

  11. Once the transaction is approved, select Print Receipt and Continue, or Continue without Receipt.

  12. The transaction is complete and the newly added amount will appear on the card balance screen on the X-Changer.

Add Value to a Card Using a Credit Card (C-1009-LC EMV Bezel)

In some locations, a different EMV Bezel may be in use than an Ingenico reader, which is housed over the bill acceptor's cash insert section. While capabilities may be similar (chip insert, NFC, swipe fallback), the process differs slightly.

  1. Insert your LaundryCard into the X-Changer.  Your balance will appear.
  2. Select the Credit/Debit button.

  3. Either Insert/Tap/Swipe the chosen credit card in order to advance to the transfer amount screen. A brief audible instruction set also describes what to do while on this screen.

    Chip Insert

    Tap-To-Charge NFC

    Smartphone NFC


  4. Enter the amount you wish to add to the card.
  5. Select the Submit button.
    1. A popup prompt will display to confirm whether you would want to complete the transaction.

      1. For stores with a Credit Card Surcharge percentage entered in General Information Setup, a Convenience Fee notification will display as part of the confirmation prompt.

        (This notification also applies with older C-1004B Credit Card Combo Bezels using an Authorize.Net payment gateway.)
  6. The amount has been approved and added to the balance of the card.

  7. The transaction is complete and the newly added amount will appear on the card balance screen.

Add Value to a Card Using an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) Card (C-1009-LC EMV Bezel)


Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card use is only available with LaundryCard v9.1.9+ and an established account for EBT acceptance through CCI.

Requirements and processing for acceptance of EBT can be found here: Accepting EBT in Your LaundryCard Store - Requirements & Pricing.

  1. Insert your LaundryCard into the X-Changer.  Your balance will appear.
  2. Select the Credit/Debit button.

  3. Swipe the chosen EBT card in order to advance to the transfer amount screen as displayed. A brief audible instruction set also describes what to do while on this screen.

  4. Enter the amount you wish to add to the card.

  5. Select the Submit button.
  6. Enter your PIN number into the PinPad that will display on screen when prompted and select the Submit button.

  7. The amount will be approved and added to the balance of the card.

  8. The transaction is complete and the newly added amount will appear on the card balance screen.

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