Installing Updated C-1009-LC EMV Credit Card Reader
With LaundryCard v9.1.6+, owners are given the option to utilize the C-1009-LC EMV Bezel on X-Changers in-store, providing an EMV solution to customers as a replacement for the Ingenico and as an upgrade from Authorize.Net. This document goes over the process of updating and enabling the C-1009-LC EMV Bezel for LaundryCard use.
C-1008 vs C-1009-LC
The C-1008 Ingenico EMV Reader and the C-1009-LC EMV Bezel (VP3300) are two different systems. Only one type of EMV system can be utilized in a store.
Required hardware and tools
Recommended tools and supplies (not included)
8/32” socket and wrench
A compatible MEI/CPi Bill Note Acceptor (BNA) that can fit the C-1009-LC EMV bezel
LaundryCard v9.1.6+ installed
A Worldnet gateway account set up by CCI
A key difference between C-1009 and C-1009-LC
Despite both models appearing identical, the key difference is that the C-1009-LC EMV Bezel utilizes a longer (6') USB cable to accommodate reaching the rear USB ports on the back of the X-Changer.
Installing the C-1009-LC EMV bezel
As with a FasCard/FLEX Touch Kiosk, the EMV Bezel would replace the default MEI BNA bezel in the X-Changer. The following video guide would, thus, apply to an X-Changer with its compatible BNA. Note that you will need an 8/32” socket to remove the hex bolts holding the BNA on the X-Changer door.
After installation, execute the ConfigureHardware Tool from D:\Setup\InstallProc to commence the credit card setup process. As of LaundryCard v9.1.5+, you will now be able to individually select just the Credit Card reader to set up.
Enabling and configuring the C-1009-LC EMV bezel
Although the EMV Bezel itself can be inserted into a USB port at any time and does not require any third-party software installation, the LaundryCard application needs to be configured to accept the use of the C-1009-LC Bezel.
Please get in touch with CCI Technical Support at 630-930-5115, option #2 to complete this section.
Access the Manager's options remotely or directly at the X-Changer.
Navigate to System Setup >> General Info.
Under Credit Card Settings, change the Service Type dropdown to WORLDNET.
Enter the acquired API Key and Terminal ID from the Worldnet gateway account setup information.
Select Save on the top-right of the page.
Close Apps using Laundry App Utility, then Start Apps when the button becomes active.
When LaundryApps is restarted, Tsentry's background processes will begin checking (and automatically updating, if necessary) EMV Firmware and EMV Configuration to reach a ready state. This process may take a few minutes.
Confirm ‘Ready’ and up-to-date status
Verify EMV Firmware and EMV Config
Confirming consistency of the VP3300 Firmware Version and Vivo Cfg Version are visible in both Credit Card Settings and the License Keys page.
Verify VP3300 ‘Ready’ State
Tsentry Manager will report the VP3300's current status, whether updating EMV Firmware, updating EMV Config, under a 'Ready' state, or any issues that may be reported.
Once the EMV Bezel is enabled and configured, after restarting LaundryApps, open Tsentry (XchDiagHmi).
Click on Tsentry Manager.
The XchCreditReader process will report the ReaderType, which should confirm the model reader used and its current status.
The real-time logs will also report and confirm the current EMV firmware version and configuration hash.
The first four bits (C3 AC 60 24) are used as the key identifier in the VivoCfgVersion setting.
EMV reader testing and failover
Test the EMV bezel chip insert on the X-Changer (buy or add value to a card) and insert a chip-enabled credit/debit card.
Test the NFC capability on the X-Changer (if their credit/debit card/device supports it, and if they have a payment processor that supports contactless)
NOTE: If their payment processor is one of the following, NFC might not work:
Test the EMV MSR fallback (swipe) by inserting CC the wrong way 3 times rapidly.
Tip: Use an LC-Card to purposely trigger the fallback if NFC keeps getting triggered while using the CC the wrong way.
Tip #2: If the MSR fallback is not getting triggered, the customer/store might be taking too long in between card re-inserts.
Should trigger a "please reinsert" or similar message.
Then the reader should "fallback" to swipe, asking the CC to be swiped.
Test to make sure they can purchase with a swipe.
If you can't get the fallback to work, no worries. It is meant for cards that do not have a working chip anyway.
If the Worldnet account is configured for EBT, we cannot test EBT unless a customer with EBT comes into the store.