Recover A Card

Recover A Card


Occasionally, retail customers may lose their cards.  The Recover process will deactivate the previous card and dispense a new one.


Recover A Card


This process should be done in person in front of the X-Changer to receive the dispensed card.

To access this function, your specific Card ID (The 12-digit number on the back of the card) must have RECOVER selected under CARDS in permission settings.  Please see your store Owner/Manager to update your permission settings.  See Permission Settings and Functions for more information on how to set permissions.  The Recover Card Function works for both retail customer cards as well as Employee Cards.


Once you select Recover, the previous card will be deactivated from the system, and a new card is dispensed.  The balance from the previous card is transferred to the newly dispensed card.  The previous card will be INVALIDATED.

  1. Select CARDS from the main menu.

  2. Select RECOVER.

  3. Enter a name, address, or phone number (If registered) and the date of the last time the card was used.  Click "Search".

  4. Once the card owner is located on the list below, select Recover.

  5. Click "OK" on the prompt.


  6. This should then dispense a new card from the X-Changer that has the 'Recover Lost Cards' screen active.

  7. This new card should have the previous customer information saved to the new card: Balance, name, email, etc.

  8. Click the Clear Search Results button to conduct another search query.






Enter the name, address, phone, or e-mail (If registered)

Last Used Between

Enter the date and time frame when the last time the card was used