



The Settings screen is the home for different features where a Store Owner can set up Bonus Programs, Birthday Bonus Settings, and more.  See below for more information on these features and how to access them.





Settings Page

To access this function, your specific Card ID (The 12-digit number on the back of the card) must have MARKETING selected and SETTINGS in permission settings .  Please see your store Owner/Manager to update your permission settings.  See Permission Settings and Functions for more information on how to set permissions.

Bonus Programs

Bonus programs offer an important advantage that card stores have over coin stores. Managers may reward customer patronage and give incentives that maximize store usage. Most of these bonus programs can operate independently or in conjunction with each other.

Misc. Settings

Miscellaneous settings includes the Bonus Redemption Rate and Free Dry Limit.





Bonus Redemption Rate

The percentage at which a bonus can be redeemed. 

Setting this value to 100% will spend a customer's bonus dollars up to 100% of the value of the vend before spending actual balance dollars. 

Setting this value to 0% will require users to spend all of their balance prior to spending any bonus dollars.

Any percentage between 1-99% will spend the percentage amount of bonus dollars required before deferring to balance dollars (e.g. if a machine costs $1.00 and 10% bonus redemption rate is active, $0.10 bonus will be spent (if available) before $0.90 balance is used).

Free Dry Program

This program allows store owners to give customers pre-determined free dry starts depending on the type of washers they used. You could, for example, give them more free dries when they use a larger machine. 

Free Dry Limit

The maximum number of free dries a customer can receive. Checking the box applies the limit.

Allow Bonus on POS Transactions

This setting allows Point-of-Sale transactions to also take advantage of a customer's bonus amount regardless of the product or service a POS system offers.

The amount of bonus used aligns with the Bonus Redemption Rate.

Birthday Bonus Settings

This program allows you to award your customers a bonus as a birthday gift. Configuring this bonus will reward your customers every year on or around their birthday.





Birthday Bonus $

The amount of money a customer receives for their birthday

Birthday Bonus Range

The amount of days the Birthday Bonus is available to redeem

Birthday Bonus Delay

The number of days a customer must wait before they become eligible for a birthday bonus.

Registration Settings

This program allows you to award your customers with bonus dollars for registering their card.  This bonus can only be awarded one time per card.





Disable Self-Registration

When checked, disables the self-registration so the customer cannot register their card

Lock Name Once Registered

When checked, disables the registration name field so the customer cannot make changes

Registration Bonus $

The amount of money awarded to a customer if they register their information with the card.

Note: Required registration fields must me entered in to receive a bonus.

Points Programs (Details configured separately)

Points Programs like the Wash to Win and Prize Packages programs can be configured to allow customers to accumulate points towards a prize.  Only one type of points program can be selected at a time.

The Wash to Win program is configured under MarketingSettings, and Wash To Win, and must be selected on this page in order to configure.

The Prize Packages are configured under MarketingSettings and Prize Packages and must be selected on this page in order to configure.





Wash to Win

When selected, enables wash to win program to be available to the customer

Prize Packages

When selected, enables the Prize packages to be available to the customer


When selected, disables all Wash to Win and Prize Packages.

Bill Bonus Settings

The Bill Bonus program allows the option to award an entered 'bonus' dollar amount to a customer if they reach any dollar amount thresholds in a single transaction.


Money must be added within the same transaction in order to receive any bonus regardless of whether 'Accumulate w/ Smaller Bills' is checked or not. Once the customer removes his/her card, that transaction is complete.






Bonus Amount:

The amount awarded to a customer if the designated monetary threshold was met.

Using the above screenshot as an example, adding $10 in either cash or credit would grant a bonus of $1. 

Accumulate with Smaller Bills

When this box is checked, the customer is allowed to meet the bonus requirement by inserting any combination of accepted bills ($1/$5/$10/$20+) to reach the required threshold to receive the bonus.

Allow Bonus with Credit Cards

When checked, allows customers to earn bonus dollars when they add value to their card with credit cards. Check the appropriate box next to the dollar amount you wish to have customers earn bonus dollars.

Allow Bonus with Cash

When checked, allows customers to earn bonus dollars when cash is inserted. Inversely, this can also prevent customers from earning bonus dollars through accumulated cash when unchecked.

When any combination of settings and bonus amounts are enabled and entered in, customers can earn bonus dollars through their loyalty card with cash, credit cards, or both, at the store's choosing.

The entered dollar amount acts as bonus currency and can be spent on any equipment or point-of-sale services that allows bonus dollars to be used.

Tracking usage and accumulation of bonus dollars can be found in Bonus History and Bonus Totals reports.

Other Required Steps

  1. Check your Settings page to make sure you have set your Bonus redemption % rate. It must be set to a number higher than 1%.

  2. Check each of your equipment types on the Equipment Setup page to make sure you have enabled for Allow Bonus for all equipment types that bonus should be allowed on.


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