



In some instances, a customer can add value to a card, have it dispensed, but a malfunction occurs in adding the value to the card.  Immediately after the card is dispensed, there is a 2 minute window when the customer can insert the card and the value can be added.  However, if the customer does not insert the card within this time-frame, the money that was not applied to the card will be held in an account called "Escrow".  When this occurs, anyone who has Assign from Escrow or Escrow permissions can apply the escrow money to the customer's card.  Follow the steps below to assign money from escrow.





Assigning Funds From Escrow

To access this function, your specific Card ID (The 12-digit number on the back of the card) must have ESCROW selected under CARDS in permission settings.  Please see your store Owner/Manager to update your permission settings.  See Permission Settings and Functions for more information on how to set permissions.

  1. Insert your card.

  2. Select Cards from the main menu.

  3. Select Escrow.

  4. Select Edit on the line of the amount you want to assign to a customer's card.

  5. Type in the customer's card number to apply the money to the card and click "Save".

  6. The money will be applied to the customer's card and it is immediately ready for use.

By default, only un-assigned records will appear on this screen. Enabling the 'Show Completed Escrows' option will also display the previously assigned escrow transactions (Which will show $0, as they've been assigned to a customer card.) in addition to the unassigned records.





Escrows Since

When first loading the report, this field shows the current time. However, you can edit the field to show Escrows for a specific date and time if needed.

Show Completed Escrows

If checked, the report includes all the Escrows assigned to cards.

Date Escrowed Column

Shows the date and time an Escrow was assigned

X-Changer Column

Shows which X-Changer the Escrowed amount was assigned from. (This will always show the A X-Changer b/c only the Escrows can be assigned from the A X-Changer.)


Amount of money that was Escrowed to the card

C.C. #

Credit card used to add value to the customer card

C.C. Name

The Name on the credit card

Date Assigned

The date the Escrowed amount was assigned to a customer card

Assigned to

The Card number or name of the customer card will appear here

Assigned by

The card number or name of who assigned the Escrowed amount


This feature allows someone remotely or in store to add the card they want to apply the Escrow amount to


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