LaundryCard SYNC

LaundryCard SYNC


This page discusses the guidelines of LaundryCard SYNC for Advanced LaundryCard Live (ALCL).

Table of Contents

What is LaundryCard SYNC?

Previously known as 'Multistore', LaundryCard SYNC allows customers to travel between different store locations under the same group and use their loyalty card balance.

Employees also shared this benefit, allowing all permissions / capabilities and balance/bonus amounts to be utilized at any location in the same group.

Card transfers between store locations are logged and reported in the Multistore Transfers report stored at the X-Changer level.

Multistore vs SYNC

While functionality at the core is the same, utilizing the SYNC feature will now be included in the overall Advanced LaundryCard Live (ALCL) subscription.

LaundryCard SYNC is not configured by default. For any locations that need to be added to a group for LaundryCard SYNC as part of an ALCL subscription, please contact CCI Technical Support and include which stores should be added to the SYNC group.

Accessing Your LaundryCard SYNC Functions

  1. Go to https://live.laundrycard.com/login to access the LaundryCard Live website.

    If not already, feel free to bookmark the login page itself, as this would be your access point to all things LaundryCard Live.

  2. Log in to your account with your CCI-provided Username and self-updated Password.

Once logged in, the first screen that will appear is the list of stores available to choose from to view the store's System Dashboard and administrative functions.

If you need to revisit the list of stores at any point after selecting which store you would like to view, simply click or tap the the three-bar menu button on the top left and select the Stores link.

ALCL User Guide Chapters