Screen Messages

Screen Messages


This screen allows you to change system messages for some screens where store specific details can be displayed. Use the SCREEN MESSAGES function to access the editable messages.  Every message has an English and a Spanish version. The system does not automatically translate English to Spanish; it must be typed in as you wish it to appear on the screen. 


Creating Screen Messages

To access this function, your specific Card ID (The 12-digit number on the back of the card) must have SCREEN MESSAGES selected under SYSTEM SETUP in permission settings.  Please see your store Owner/Manager to update your permission settings.  See Permission Settings and Functions for more information on how to set permissions.

  1. To create screen messages, select SYSTEM SETUP from your menu.

  2. Select Screen Messages.

  3. Several screen messages come with the LaundryCard system and will appear below.

  4. Click "Edit" to select the message you want to change and type the message in either Spanish or English.

  5. Click "Save" when finished.