First Time Starting LaundryCard Software

First Time Starting LaundryCard Software

Start with X-Changer A.  Do not power on any other X-Changers or assign names to any other units!

Start LaundryCard AppUtility

  1. Open Windows Start Menu

  2. Click LaundryAppUtility.

  3. When prompted by the UAC, click Yes.

  4. Click Start Apps.

  5. Verify that the Start up screen appears as shown.

  6. Wait for this X-Changer to identify as Primary as indicated in the picture above.  Do not proceed until this occurs.

  7. Once X-Changer is designated as Primary, click Start. 

  8. Once prompted, enter the password " IcanWorkNT "

  9. The software should launch and display the Main Welcome screen.  If this window does not appear, contact CCI Technical Support immediately at 630-930-5115. 

  10. Insert Setup Manager Card and select System Setup.

  11. Select General Info.

  12. In Store ID field, enter the Store ID.  (The store ID can be retrieved from the shipping invoices, or from CCI Technical Support.)

After Completing these steps, Please contact CCI technical support at 630-930-5115, to continue with the setup of the LaundryCard software.