Bonus programs offer an important advantage that card stores have over coin stores. Managers may reward customer patronage and give incentives that maximize store usage. Most of these bonus programs can operate independently or in conjunction with each other.
This screen allows you to reward customers for adding more money to their cards at one time. For example, on the screen below, no bonus is given for $1 or $5; their values are entered at face value. However, if a customer adds $10, she is given a bonus of $1, for a total of $11 in value on the card.
There is also a check box after the value of each denomination, labeled 'Accumulate w/ Smaller Bills'. If you mark this check box, the customer receives the bonus no matter how the value is added, either with 20 $1 bills or with one $20 bill. If you leave the check box unmarked, he must put in a $20 bill to receive the bonus.
Regardless if 'Accumulate w/ Smaller Bills' is checked or not, money must be added within the same transaction in order to receive the bonus. Once the customer removes his/her card, that transaction is over.
If you are accepting credit cards you may select if customers are able to earn bonus dollars when they add value to their card with credit cards. Check the appropriate box next to the dollar amount you wish to have customers earn bonus dollars.
Other bonus programs you can implement
Free dry program allows store owners to give customers pre-determined free dry starts depending on the type of washers they used. You could, for example, give them more free dries when they use a larger machine. See the Change Vend Prices section of this manual on how to reward customers with free dry starts.
Discount bonus program allows you to establish many marketing and promotional programs. These encourage customers to register with the store to receive special pricing. For instance, you could give senior citizens a 10% discount. See the View/Edit cards section of this manual on how to assign a discount to card.
Registration bonus allows you to award your customers with bonus dollars for registering their card. This bonus can be configured in the General Info section. This bonus can only be awarded one time per card.
Birthday bonus allows you to award your customers a bonus as a birthday gift. Configuring this bonus will reward your customers every year on or around their birthday and is configured in the General Info section.
Wash to Win allows you to set up a loyalty points program similar to 'frequent flier miles' as your customers use machines in the store they will accumulate wash points, once they customer has collected the appropriate number of points the points are converted to a bonus dollar reward that is automatically applied to their card.
Coupons allow you to mail out coupon codes that will encourage your customer to return
Other Required Steps
Check your General Info page to make sure you have set your Bonus redemption % rate. It must be set to a number higher than 1%.
Check each of your equipment types on the Equipment Setup page to make sure you have enabled for Allow Bonus for all equipment types that bonus should be allowed on.