

The Managers can also be refereed to the Owners card and is the highest security level of all of the system cards.  The functions that this card provides will allow owners and managers to automate and manage the store.  Almost all of the functions available to the Manager are also available remotely via a secure VPN connection, Internet is the most popular method of connecting to the system but dial up is also supported.  For more information on how to connect to your system remotely review the appropriate documentation here  All of the functions that are available to the other users of this system can also be accessed through the Mangers menus, refer to the guides for Customers, Technicians, Attendants, and Collectors.

Get a New Managers Card

A Setup Managers card is shipped with every new system, this card has the ability to dispense other Manger cards.  Once a managers card is dispensed it also has the ability to dispense other manger cards.

Once a new store has opened and new Manager Cards have been dispensed it is highly recommended that you disable the Setup Mangers Card!!

Detail of Manager Functions