Machine Configuration

Machine Configuration

Choose Machine Config to assign each machine ID to an equipment type as configured earlier

Prior to this step it is advisable to walk the location with the cabling layout provided by CCI and identify the equipment types and locations for all the machines on the drawing.  These steps MUST be done on the X-Changer and cannot be done remotely.

  1. Insert Manager Card.
  2. Select System Setup.
  3. Select Card Reader Setup
  4. Select Machine Config

This is the Machine Overview Page. This page sets the equipment to the correct machine number and the correct Line the machine is on.

Pay close attention to the line number that the equipment is on. Also remember washers start at 001, dryers start at 101 and accessory devices start at 201.

  1. Touch or click on the first Machine ID on the list.
  2. Referencing the store layout that was provided with the system, complete the fields on this page.

  3. Once complete, choose Save, then Next to move to the next numeric machine ID and repeat step 2. You must click SAVE and NEXT after each Equipment Type has been entered or it will not save the previously entered information.  


  1. Once complete with all machine types as identified on the store layout, click Back and then Done.  

    Card Reader AddressThe number of the machine in the row.
    Line NumberThe line number the machine is on. (Example Line 0)
    Equipment Type IDThis can be found in the list below the fields. 

Your equipment should be ready to start. At this time, assuming all readers have been programmed and if the information was entered correctly, the readers will start to download the appropriate firmware. This may take approximately 15 minutes.

If the readers complete the download and the readers continue to say, “See Attendant”, there may be an error in the configuration and the equipment setup should be checked for accuracy. If the issue persists, Contact CCI technical Support at (630) 930-5115.