General Info

General Info



The General Information screen is where you can change store location details, set card deposit amount, as well as other settings.





General Information Page

To access these functions, your specific Card ID (The 12-digit number on the back of the card) must have GENERAL INFO selected under SYSTEM SETUP in permission settings.  Please see your store Owner/Manager to update your permission settings.  See Permission Settings and Functions for more information on how to set permissions.

Do not delete or change the store ID number or your system will NOT function properly!

  1. Select System Setup from the Main Menu.

  2. Select General Info.

Store Information Section





Store ID

Store Identifier in the LaundryCard System

Store Owner

Name of store owner

Store Name

The Store's name that appears at the top of reports for identification purposes

Store Address 

Store's Address appears at the top of reports for identification purposes

Store Phone

Store's phone number

Card Concepts Phone

Phone number to CCI that can be used to contact technical support

Miscellaneous Settings Section





Card Deposit Name (English/Spanish)

The message displayed to the customer notifying them of the required deposit

New Card Deposit 

The deposit amount that will be deducted from new card purchases before the new card is dispensed to the customer. The amount collected during new card purchases is stored in the 'Card Deposit' field on each Laundry Card.

Report Printer

If printer is connected to the system, a printed receipt will dispense of each card transaction. If there is no printer connected to the system, un-check this box to avoid printer errors during collections.

Show Default Advertising Screen

When checked, will show the default "Advertising Opportunities Available" from an idle machine.

Customer Card Stays in Reader

When checked, the customer card needs to stay in the reader to complete the screen functions.

Customer Account Timeout

The amount of time a customer's card is in the system and there's no activity before the system times out

Self Registration screen Timeout

The amount of time for which the screen will timeout when there is no user activity, while the system is on the 'Self Registration' screen.

Red Box Popup Alert Delay

Set the amount of time a red box popup alert stays up on the screen.

Data Export Retention

The number of days the system retains exported data.

Collection Receipt Type

Set how a collection receipt is generated once collections are performed.

Collection Email Address*

Allows for one or multiple email addresses to be entered to receive the receipt of real-time collections performed.

*Collection Email Address field is only visible when 'EMAIL' or 'Print and Email' is the selected dropdown.

Screen Messages Section





Main Screen Messages

These 50 character messages can be customized and appear on the front index screen, Spanish version will appear when previous customer uses Spanish card.  Must enter text in Spanish, system does not translate.

"Money" Message 1 & 2

These 50 character messages can be customized and appear on screens where customer is asked for money.  Messages run one after the other.

Credit Card Settings Section

Make sure to check with your credit card processing provider to see which credit cards and methods are supported.






Card Images

You are able to select what credit cards you accept at your store.

Service Type

The selected merchant gateway utilized, depending on what a store has chosen to utilize:

  • Authorize.Net - Swipe-Only with a C-1004B Combo Bezel.

  • DATACAP - EMV Chip / Swipe Fallback / NFC with the C-1008 Ingenico Reader.

  • WORLDNET - EMV Chip / Swipe Fallback / NFC with the C-1009 EMV Bezel.

API Login ID

Generated by Authorize.net - Do NOT change!

Transaction Key

Generated by Authorize.net - Do NOT change!

NetEPay IP

The IP address for communicating with the NetEPay Director software - Should always be set to

Device Type

The Ingenico Device ID - Should be set to EMV_IUC285_DATACAP_E2E.

Merchant Numbers

The Merchant IDs utilized per X-Changer. Each Merchant Number should be unique to its X-Changer assigned.


Generated by Worldnet - Do NOT change!

Terminal ID

Generated by Worldnet - Do NOT change!

VP3300 Firmware Version

The version of firmware the C-1009 EMV Bezel is set to. 
By default, should be set to 1.01.663.

Vivo Cfg Version

The version of configuration the C-1009 EMV Bezel is set for credit card processing.
By default, the config version hash should read: F13F2EFC.

Credit Card Minimum Amount

The minimum amount that can be charged on a single credit card transaction.

Credit Card Maximum Amount 

The maximum amount that can be charged on a single credit card transaction.

Daily Credit Card Limit
(Authorize.Net and Worldnet only)

The maximum amount that a single credit card number can charge in a system on a single day without attendant intervention.  If customer attempts to use card after this amount has been reached they will be prompted to 'See the Attendant for Assistance'.  The attendant can use the Verify Credit Card feature to override this setting.

Credit/Debit Card Surcharge %

This is the amount that users who are using a credit or debit card will be charged in addition to the add value transaction.  For example, if configured for 2% and the user purchases a $10 credit they will be charged $10.20

Receipt Printer

Check this box if you want customers to be able to print credit card receipts.

Card Recovery Settings





Daily Recovery Limit

The amount a daily recovery cannot exceed.

Exclude From Recovery

If checked, the program dollars you want to exclude from your recovery search.

Apply Deposit

If checked, includes the deposit amount in the recovery search

How Many Days Back to Search

The number of days back you want your search to cover

User Self Registration





Mark Optional Fields

The following fields are required by default when customers register their loyalty cards. To make a field optional, simply check the box and save.


Registration Bonuses

Registration Bonuses are based on what mandatory fields were not marked optional. Any fields marked optional will not take effect on already-registered cards and will only affect cards that have not yet been registered.


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