FasCard Loyalty Site - Add Value

FasCard Loyalty Site - Add Value

This function is only accessible if the store’s main account has
Accept Credit Cards for Adding Value Via Mobile App’ enabled.


The Add Value page allows the Loyalty user to add value to their account with a credit card. The Add Value page is only accessible for locations that allow value to be added to an account via credit card.

Adding Value to a Loyalty Account

Add Value Packages may be configured for a flat amount or may include a bonus value that is passed on to the Loyalty user when purchased.  A package configured for a flat amount is displayed as 'Buy $x.xx' whereas a package that conveys an added bonus is displayed as 'Buy $x.xx Get $x.xx', as illustrated above.

Purchasing an Add Value Package

  1. Navigate to the Add Value page (refer to the FasCard Loyalty Site - Location Details page if necessary).

  2. Select an Add Value package by clicking on it.

  3. Enter valid credit card information including: Name, Card Number, Expiration Date, CVV code, and Zip Code.

  4. For additional help locating the CVV code, click the button.

  5. When all fields are filled with valid credit card information, select Submit.

  6. Browser will return to Location Details page.

  7. 'Funds successfully transferred.' message will appear.

  8. Select OK to continue.

If a loyalty account has been disabled, they will be prevented from adding value to their account using the mobile site or mobile app. Attempting to do so will display a popup informing the loyalty user that their account has been disabled and would need to reach out to store management for further assistance.