FasCard System Installation

Install Process

The following steps are laid out in the process we recommend walking through for FasCard installations. 

Step 1 – Configuring your FasCard administrative account

Creating and accessing the FasCard Admin Site account is first step CCI recommends completing. Therefore enabling you to complete Admin Site related tasks before, during, or after the hardware installation steps. 

To begin this step, please visit the FasCard Admin Site Configuration Procedure page.

For more information about the Admin Site and its available features, please visit the FasCard Administration Site page. 

Step 2 - Connect the Satellite (SAT)

The SAT is the central access point for all FasCard integrated devices. The SAT must be setup, configured, and appropriately connected to the Internet before the readers will be able to download and install their designated firmware files. 

To begin installing the SAT, please visit the FasCard Satellite (SAT) Installation.

For information about the SAP and its functionality, please visit FasCard Satellite Access Point (SAP). 

Step 3 - Install the FasCard readers

The FasCard readers are the primary point for customer interaction with the FasCard system. Installations for individual kits, based on specific machine models, can be found on the Kit Installation Guides page.

To begin installing the FasCard readers, please visit the FasCard Reader Installation Guides & Content page. 

If you are unable to locate the proper installation guide for your washer or dryer, please reach out to CCI tech support with the following so they can assist you in finding the right installation guide: 

  • FasCard account number (e.g. F0123)

  • Full washer/dryer model number (e.g. MHN30PDAWW, W245, DC0080NC10EC1XSWKSGUSA)

  • Reader type (e.g. F1, F2, F3)

  • Machine settings (i.e. pricing, cycle times, etc...)

Step 4 - Install the Kiosks (skip if none)

FasCard Kiosks provide an additional measure of automation – allowing customers to easily add funds or purchase new Loyalty cards. They are usually the first point of contact for customers seeking to use the FasCard system. 

Step 5 - Getting started with the Loyalty site

The FasCard Mobile App allows customers to gain greater flexibility and utility when managing their Loyalty accounts. The Mobile App includes added features for customers including current machine statuses, remaining cycle times, and remote start capabilities.

To learn how you can use the Mobile App with your FasCard system and know more about this awesome feature, please visit the FasCard Loyalty Site & Mobile App guide.

Additional Install Information

FasCard Documentation

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