FasCard Loyalty Site - Dashboard

FasCard Loyalty Site - Dashboard


The FasCard Dashboard serves as a quick snapshot of an account's recent sales and usage volume broken down into different charts, customizable to display one or multiple facets of information for any arrangement of store locations of a user's choosing.

While configuring the dashboard requires setup through the FasCard Admin Site, once configured, the FasCard Dashboard can also be viewed from the FasCard Loyalty Site or the FasCard Mobile App.

Finding the Dashboard

The FasCard Dashboard is only visible on the FasCard Mobile App or FasCard Loyalty Site for administrators and employee users with the Report Admin website privilege enabled and a configured dashboard. Click here to view instructions on how to enable and configure your Dashboard.

Once logged in, the 'Dashboard' button displays as part of the main menu selection as well as a tab along the bottom row.

The Dashboard UI

UI Layout

Chart Layout

UI Layout

Chart Layout

1. Chart Title

2. Location

3. Generated Date

4. Data Sources (e.g. Selected/All Equipment, Date Range, Sales Types)

5. Legend (color coded)

6. Y Axis labels and scale - shows the units used (e.g. number of customers, dollar amount)

7. X Axis labels - shows what kind of data is used (e.g. specific dates, date ranges, days in a calendar week)

Video Demonstration

As the Dashboard only provides a snapshot of reported data, full reports can be viewed in the Reports tab of the FasCard Admin Site.


FasCard Admin Site - Reports

FasCard Admin Site - Dashboard