FasCard Admin Site - System Maintenance

FasCard Admin Site - System Maintenance


The System Maintenance page is only accessible by users with Admin privileges or with System Maintenance privileges.  This page is used to monitor the status of the Satellite (SAT) and FasCard readers at a specific location.

Managing the System 


Navigating to the System Maintenance page under the System tab will display an alphabetical list of the locations that have been configured for the system.  The default view will list up to 6 locations. Once there are more than 6 location types, page numbers will appear, allowing the user to scroll through the machine list.  A search box is provided to allow users to easily search for a specific location and clicking Reset will clear any search data.  Clicking anywhere on a location will display the list of satellites and card readers for that location.

Users can also filter locations with offline devices by checking the 'Show Only Offline Devices Across ALL Locations' checkbox.

An updated feature with FasCard Release32 includes a Refresh button as well as a date/timestamp of the last time the System Maintenance page has been refreshed.

As of FasCard Release32 the System Maintenance page will no longer automatically refresh every 30 seconds.

Managing Location Status


The Location Status Section displays the active status of a particular location.  Several items in the Location Listing also function as links to other pages.  Below are the columns of the page and their descriptions. 

Column Headers


Column Headers



The location ID as identified in the FasCard database.


Clicking the location name will load the selected location setup page.


Address of the location


Phone number of the location

Time Zone

Time zone of the location

Location Group

Clicking the group name will load the location group setup page (if enabled).


Indicates the status of the location.


This indicates the type of account the location is assigned as (e.g. FasCard or Flex).

# Mach 

Clicking the number in the Machines column will load the machine setup page for the selected location.

# Equip

Clicking the number in the Equipment column will load the equipment setup page.

Managing Satellite Status

The satellite status section contains a list of configured satellites for the selected location.

  • Operators utilizing CCI Cellular Service may note an icon adjacent to the satellite name on the System Maintenance page. Clicking this icon will reveal the uplink name and status.

Column Headers


Column Headers



The given name for the satellite as configured in the Location Setup page.  This also serves as a link to the location setup page and selects the appropriate satellite.


Current status of the satellite, generated by the server. Clicking on the Status link directs the user to the Satellite History page.

MAC Address

The MAC address for the satellite.

VPN Address

The VPN IP address for the satellite.

Public Address

The pubic IP address for the satellite.


The satellite software version currently running.


Hardware and software version of the satellite.

Wifi Index

If neither a Wifi Index nor a Wifi Affinity is assigned, this column is hidden.

The current assigned Index previously selected for a Satellite.
(Wifi Index setting found in the Location Setup page.)

  • NOTE: Wifi Index will only apply to satellites with the latest FasSat update and assigned FasCard readers with the latest compatible Reader Firmware update.


This column displays the number of readers connected to the satellite as well as the total number of readers (e.g. 10/50).

Dual-pocket machines that occupy one reader only count as one reader at a satellite and server level.


Current CPU and memory usage of the satellite.

Satellite History

The Satellite Status History Details page logs the following information when a change is detected. Users can access this page by clicking its status / timestamp link for the chosen Satellite.

Additionally, satellites can be rebooted by viewing the Satellite Status History Details and clicking the Reboot FasSat button.

Column Headers


Column Headers



A standard date/time stamp of the record entry


Online/Offline.  Offline status indicates that the satellite has lost connection to the server.

VPN Address

This is the assigned internal VPN address and is used by CCI Support staff.

Public Address 

This is the external IP address assigned to the satellite and is used by CCI Support staff

Ether # Status

Indicates last known status of Ethernet/LAN connection based on the connection type per column (e.g. Ether 1, Ether 2, Ether 3).


This indicates the satellite firmware version

Hardware Reset

Indicates the last time the hardware was reset

VPN Reconnect

Indicates the last time the VPN connection was established

FCAP Status

With FasCard Release32 includes the FasCard Access Point (FCAP) status table for locations that have FCAPs in-store alongside a singular Satellite. Up to four (4) FCAPs can be added to an individual Satellite.

Column Headers


Column Headers



The given name for the FCAP as configured in the Location Setup page.  This also serves as a link to the location setup page and selects the appropriate FCAP.


Current status of the FCAP, generated by the server. Unlike SATs


The name of the Satellite the FCAP is attached to.

MAC Address

The MAC address for the FCAP.

VPN Address

The VPN IP address for the FCAP.


Hardware and software version of the FCAP.

Wifi Affinity

The current assigned Index previously selected for a Satellite.
(Wifi Index setting found in the Location Setup page.)

  • NOTE: Wifi Index will only apply to satellites with the latest FasSat update and assigned FasCard readers with the latest compatible Reader Firmware update.


Current CPU usage of the FCAP.

Managing Machine Status

The machine status section displays a list of all the machines that were configured for the selected location as well as details regarding the current status of the FasCard reader.

Column Headers


Column Headers


Mach #

The machine number that was assigned during machine setup.  These numbers also serve as links to the Machines page and will automatically select the relevant machine.

Equipment Type

The equipment type for the configured machine.  These also serve as links to the Equipment Setup page and will automatically select the relevant equipment type.


The current status as reported by the satellite. Clicking on the Status link directs the user to the Machine Status History page. 

If the machine status is currently unknown due to satellite outage, status will be displayed as "Last Known: 'Status' (Date/Time).  

  • Idle - Machine not running.

  • Running - Machine started/running.

  • Offline - Machine status unknown- FasCard reader not communicating with system.

  • No Pricing - Indicates that vend prices have yet to be configured for this machine.  This can be changed in the Pricing Features page.

  • Not Allowed - Indicates that the machine is not configured to start.  This status can be changed in the Pricing Features page.

  • No Firmware - Indicates that the configured firmware version is unavailable.

  • Downloading Firmware to Satellite - Indicates that the download process has started and the satellite is downloading firmware from the server.

  • Downloading Firmware - Indicates that the satellite has successfully obtained firmware from server and card reader has begun downloading from satellite.

  • Machine Error Message- Serially connected machines utilizing the latest firmware may display any error that is reported by the machine firmware.

Last Start

The time this machine was last started.

Estimated Finish

This is the estimated end time of a current cycle.

Wifi RxPwr Sat/Rdr

Two numeric values, first value represents the signal strength from the Satellite to the FasCard reader, second value represents the signal strength from the FasCard reader to the Satellite.

  • Values closer to zero represents a 'Stronger' signal.  Optimal signal strength should be between -10 & -70.


Consolidated column identifying the affinity and name of SAT/FCAP the reader is connected to. The satellite or FCAP assigned for a FasCard reader uses for prioritized WiFi Affinity is assigned in the Machine Setup page. The first value may show a question mark if not assigned to an affinity (e.g. Affinity=0) or on an older firmware that does not support affinity, or in bold red if currently connected to a different Satellite or FCAP than the assigned affinity.

This column may be hidden if a location only has one Satellite and no FCAPs.

WiFi Affinity will only properly work with assigned FasCard readers with the latest compatible Reader Firmware update.

Connect Time

The date and time the FasCard reader last made an initial connection to the Satellite.

  • The number in parenthesis is the number of time the FasCard reader has disconnected and reconnected since the satellite was restarted.

MAC Address

The MAC Address of the FasCard reader.

Firmware Ver

The current firmware version installed on the FasCard reader.

Hardware Ver

This indicates the current CCI hardware type being utilized.

Machine Status History


Machine history logs the following information when a change is detected. Users can view individual Machine Status History by clicking its status / timestamp link for the chosen reader or kiosk. Users can also reboot card readers and Add Value Kiosks or soft-reboot Touch Kiosks by viewing the Machine Status History and clicking Reboot Reader.

Column Headers


Column Headers



This indicates the record number of occurrence, with #1 being the most recent.

MAC Address

This indicates which reader is attempting to communicate with the server. This can also determine whether potential duplicate readers are detected alongside the ‘Potential duplicate reader detected’ warning. If no duplicate readers are detected this column is hidden.


This indicates the current or last known machine status.

Start Time

This indicates the time at which the current machine status began.

Elapsed Time

This indicates the amount of time the machine has been in the current state.


This indicates the SAT/FCAP to which the card reader is connected.

Firmware Ver

This indicates the current firmware version on the card reader at the time the record was created.

Additional Information

FasCard Admin Site - Configure Alerts

FasCard Admin Site - Active Alerts

FasCard Admin Site - Location Setup

FasCard Loyalty Site - Machines

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