FasCard Admin Site - Export Data Transact.csv Details
The Transact table contains all the transactions that occur in FasCard. Each type of transaction (machine started, bonus used, etc.) is represented by a unique TransactType ID.
Transact Table Exported Data
For accuracy, sort the transactions by the RecID column not DateTime.
Transaction Types
The transactions reported in the TransType column are coded using the table below.
Type | Description |
1 | New Card Issued |
2 | Value added to account |
3 | Account value adjusted |
5 | Loyalty points converted to bonus |
10 | Coin or cash collection from machine |
11 | Uncredited coin recorded |
20 | Credit card authorization captured |
40 | Added coupon |
50 | Merged Accounts |
100 | Vend / sale |
Transact.csv Column Descriptions
The values appearing in certain columns will vary based upon the transaction type in the TransType column. Column descriptions by transaction type are outlined below.
Vend (TransType 100)
Column | Description |
DateTime | UTC date/time of transaction |
LocationID | RecID of location where transaction took place |
MachNo | Machine number where transaction took place |
TransID | Transaction ID generated by reader |
TransType | 100 = Vend |
TransSubType | 0 = Machine |
CardType | 0 = No card used in transaction 1 = Loyalty card 2 = Credit card 3 = Loyalty account w/out card |
CardNumber | Number from card used in transaction |
CardName | Name from credit card used, if appropriate |
CreditCardAmount | Amount spent from credit card |
CashAmount | Amount of cash paid |
UserID | User account paying for vend, or 0 if anonymous transaction |
BalanceAmount | Amount of balance spent |
BonusAmount | Amount of bonus spent |
FreeStarts | Number of free starts earned:
LoyaltyPoints | Number of loyalty points awarded as a result of the vend |
RootTransactID | Unused (always 0) |
AdditionalInfo | Unused (always null) |
EmployeeUserID | Unused (always 0) |
NewBalance | If transaction is associated with a user:
If anonymous credit card transaction:
All other cases:
NewBonus | If transaction is associated with a user:
All other cases:
NewFreeStarts | If transaction is associated with a user:
All other cases:
NewLoyaltyPoints | If transaction is associated with a user:
All other cases:
Points Converted to Bonus (TransType 5)
Column | Description |
DateTime | UTC date/time of transaction |
LocationID | RecID of location where associated vend took place |
MachNo | Machine number where associated vend took place |
TransID | Unused (always 0) |
TransType | 5 = Loyalty points converted to bonus |
TransSubType | Always 0 |
CardType | Unused (always 0) |
CardNumber | Unused (always 0) |
CreditCardAmount | Unused (always 0) |
CardName | Unused (always null) |
CashAmount | Unused (always 0) |
BalanceAmount | Unused (always 0) |
BonusAmount | Amount of bonus awarded |
FreeStarts | Unused (always 0) |
LoyaltyPoints | Number of points taken away from account LoyaltyPoints (always negative) |
RootTransactID | Transact.RecID of transaction that triggered the award |
AdditionalInfo | Unused (always null) |
EmployeeUserID | Unused (always 0) |
NewBalance | The new balance total for the user after the transaction |
NewBonus | The new bonus total for the user after the transaction |
NewFreeStarts | The new free starts total for the user after the transaction |
NewLoyaltyPoints | The new loyalty points total for the user after the transaction |
Add Value (TransType 2)
Column | Description |
DateTime | UTC date/time of transaction |
LocationID | RecID of location where transaction took place, or 0 if via website |
MachNo | Machine number where transaction took place, or 0 if via website |
TransID | Transaction ID generated by reader, if reader-based transaction; else 0 |
TransType | 2 = Add value |
TransSubType | 0 = Credit -> account @ reader 1 = Credit -> account @ website 2 = Cash -> employee 3 = Automatic reload |
CardType | 0 = No card used in transaction 2 = Credit card |
CardNumber | Number of credit card used in transaction, else null |
CardName | Name from credit card used, else null |
CreditCardAmount | Amount spent from credit card |
CashAmount | Amount of cash paid |
BalanceAmount | Amount of balance added |
BonusAmount | Amount of bonus awarded |
FreeStarts | Unused (always 0) |
LoyaltyPoints | Unused (always 0) |
RootTransactID | Unused (always 0) |
AdditionalInfo | Unused (always null) |
EmployeeUserID | If TransSubType = CashToEmployee: Unused for all other transaction subtypes (always 0) |
NewBalance | The new balance total for the user after the transaction |
NewBonus | The new bonus total for the user after the transaction |
NewFreeStarts | The new free starts total for the user after the transaction |
NewLoyaltyPoints | The new loyalty points total for the user after the transaction |
Adjust Value (TransType 3)
Column | Description |
DateTime | UTC date/time of transaction |
LocationID | Always 0 indicating transaction came from website |
MachNo | Always 0 |
TransID | Always 0 |
TransType | 3 = Adjust value |
TransSubType | Unused (always 0) |
CardType | Unused (always 0) |
CardNumber | Unused (always 0) |
CardName | Unused (always null) |
CreditCardAmount | Unused (always 0) |
CashAmount | Unused (always 0) |
BalanceAmount | Amount of balance added |
BonusAmount | Amount of bonus added |
FreeStarts | Number of free starts added |
LoyaltyPoints | Number of loyalty points added |
RootTransactID | Unused (always 0) |
AdditionalInfo | Unused (always null) |
EmployeeUserID | User that performed the transaction |
NewBalance | The new balance total for the user after the transaction |
NewBonus | The new bonus total for the user after the transaction |
NewFreeStarts | The new free starts total for the user after the transaction |
NewLoyaltyPoints | The new loyalty points total for the user after the transaction |