Laundrylux Compass Pro Washer - Sanitize Cycle Support

Laundrylux Compass Pro Washer - Sanitize Cycle Support


This guide references how to add pre-programmed Sanitize cycle support in the FasCard Admin Site for FasCard / FLEX systems with updated reader firmware.

Previously, when attempting to set up a custom SANITIZE / SANITIZING cycle, both a monetary amount and card reader intervention was required to allow this feature to function properly. This was due to older logic at the FasCard reader level that previously did not account for the full nature of the Compass Pro Sanitize cycle. With a Laundrylux Compass Pro Reader Firmware update, a Sanitize Cycle will now function as intended, no longer requiring a monetary amount or card reader intervention to start a Sanitize cycle while still retaining the ability to charge for a Sanitize Cycle if preferred.


This guide assumes the machine will be programmed by an individual knowledgeable with machine programming to include, or the machine has already been programmed with, an added custom Sanitize/Sanitizing cycle at the machine level.

The examples below may not reflect every location's equipment configuration and only serves as an example configuration scenario. Activation orders and positions of cycles may vary.

Support for this option is only available with FasCard / FLEX systems using v1.16.07+ Laundrylux Compass Pro Reader Firmware.  For FasCard / FLEX reader firmware updates, please contact CCI Technical Support.


  • An added custom Sanitize/Sanitizing cycle at the machine level.

  • A list of all cycles on the machine(s) in question in order, including the chosen Sanitize cycle.

    • This can be identified on power-up. The first cycle that displays would be the first entry on the list, starting with #2 in the Option Configuration page, and each entry per clockwise knob turn that follows.

  • Account Admin rights, or enabled elevated Website Privileges for Equipment Setup, Machine Setup, and Pricing.


  1. Log in to the FasCard Admin Site at https://admin.fascard.com

  2. From the Setup tab, click the Equipment Types tab that populates among the second row.

  3. Select the Laundrylux washer equipment in question by clicking anywhere in its row to view its Laundrylux Compass Pro Washer equipment details.

  4. Click the Option Configuration button on the right of the page to access the Configure Equipment Options page.

  5. Update the Equipment Options page accordingly to include the chosen name for the assigned Sanitize cycle under the selected program order. When configured properly, this cycle will, thus, correspond with the positioned program order of your choosing.

  6. Once all cycles are added, click Save, then Back to Equipment Setup.

  7. With the cycles updated, navigate to the Pricing table by either clicking on Pricing & Features tab or the Pricing link on the right side of the Details page.

  8. Update all applicable prices accordingly based on your cost selection preference by either clicking anywhere on the price table row if a Default is present.

    1. If this is a new machine setup and a pricing table is not in place, click Add New.

  9. Once completed, you may turn the knob on the configured machine to confirm whether pricing tables align with the ordered machines. 


  • As the activation order of cycles is what is counted, and the position in order of cycles is important, starting with the first displayed cycle when powered.

    • If the cycle names and positions do not align with the cycle selections themselves, pricing of cycles may be affected.



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