FasCard Admin Site - Machine Setup

FasCard Admin Site - Machine Setup


The Machine Setup page is only accessible by users with Admin privileges or with Machine Setup privileges.  This page is used to add, edit, and delete machines from locations.   This page is used to identify to each FasCard reader and the type of host machine it is mounted on.

Managing Machine Configuration


An individual location can only have a maximum of 30 equipment types assigned. This does not affect maximum number of equipment types allowed on the Equipment Types table.

Navigating to the Machines page under the Setup tab will display an alphabetical list of the locations that have been configured for the system.  The default view will list up to 6 locations.  Once there are more than 6 location types, page numbers will appear, allowing the user to scroll through the machine list.  A search box is provided to allow users to easily search for a specific location and clicking Reset will clear any search data.  Clicking anywhere on a location will display the machine list for that location.  


When a singular location may have a potential conflict or issue related to the machines assigned (e.g. number of equipment types, mismatched firmware cores, FasSat requirements), a notification banner will display above the machines table.

For additional information and assistance in addressing any potential issues please contact CCI Technical Support.

Several items in the Location Listing also function as links to other pages.





Pricing and Features

This page loads the configuration page for setting machine pricing and/or features


This page will load the selected location setup page.

Location Group

Clicking the group name will load the location group setup page (if enabled).


Clicking the number in the Machines column will load the machine setup page for the selected location.

Equipment Types

Lists all equipment types configured for the system

Server Management

This page lists all of the different payment options the FasCard owner can configure:  any credit card payments accepted, any daily max amount allowed, and credit card surcharge for accepting a credit card.


Machine Details

The machine listing displays FasCard reader addresses, configured equipment type, and current status of each FasCard reader.  Selecting one of the machines in the list will display the machine details in the 'Machine Details' section.






This column indicates the number and label of each machine.

Equip Name

This column indicates the configuration name as created in Equipment Types.


This displays current status of the machine.

  • Idle - Machine not running.

  • Running - Machine started/running.

  • Offline - Machine status unknown- FasCard reader not communicating with system.

  • No Pricing - Indicates that vend prices have yet to be configured for this machine.  This can be changed in the Pricing Features page.

  • Not Allowed - Indicates that the machine is not configured to start.  This status can be changed in the Pricing Features page.

  • No Firmware - Indicates that the configured firmware version is unavailable.

  • Downloading Firmware to Satellite - Indicates that the download process has started and the satellite is downloading firmware from the server.

  • Downloading Firmware - Indicates that the satellite has successfully obtained firmware from server and card reader has begun downloading from satellite.

Wifi Affinity

This column indicates which affinity-enabled Satellite or FasCard Access Point (FCAP) an individual reader or kiosk is selected to prioritize communicating with.

Add a New Machine

  • To view a step by step guide to adding a new machine, click the expanding header below this box titled 'Add an New Machine - Step by Step'.

  • Adding a machine requires the correct Equipment Type to be configured.

  1. Navigate to the FasCard Admin site and sign in with an Admin or Machine Setup account.

  2. Click the Setup tab.

  3. Click the Machines link.

  4. If multiple locations are configured for the FasCard account, select the appropriate location. If only one location is configured, it will be selected automatically.

  5. Click Add New.

  6. Complete the fields with the appropriate information.

  7. All fields are recommended but Machine Number (also used as the card reader address and must be unique), equipment name, install date, and last service date are required.

  8. The Equipment Name selected from the dropdown menu must match the configured Equipment Type for the machine to ensure proper function. 

  9. Click Save.

  10. After saving the machine configuration, the new entry will be added to the Machine list.

  11. The individual machine can now be edited by selecting the listing and altering the appropriate fields and clicking Save.

Editing a Machine

The machine details section displays detailed information about the specified machine at the selected location.  To edit the details, select the appropriate machine and alter the fields described below.  Click Save to confirm changes.





Machine Number 

The address for which the FasCard reader is programmed, typically the same as the machine label.  This number must be unique.

Machine Label 

An alternate label used to describe the machine.  By default, the label is the same as the Machine Number.  Labels are used in reporting and on status screens.

Note: If the Machine Label is longer than eight (8) characters in length, the following notice will display when saved:

While this may not affect machine operation, in the FasCard Loyalty App/Site, the name will be truncated with ( . . . ) at the end if initially set up with a long name.

Equipment Name

A drop down list of equipment types that were configured for this system.  Clicking the Edit link next to the dropdown menu will load the equipment setup page for this equipment type.

WiFi Affinity

Allows for the reader to prioritize connecting to an assigned Satellite or FCAP of the user's choosing. 

(Requires the latest Satellite Firmware update and the latest Core 100+ reader firmware for that specific machine type, if available.)

Pocket / Paired with

For machines with two pockets and applicable hardware connected, allows the pairing of two machine numbers to serve as top and bottom pockets for a single reader.

(Only applies to F2/F3 card readers where a singular reader could control both pockets on a compatible machine (e.g. a stack dryer).)


The model number of the host machine, retained for reference purposes.

Serial Number 

The serial number of the host machine, retained for reference purposes.


Open text area for any type of extra notes.

Date in Service

The date the FasCard reader was added to the machine listing.

Last Service Date 

The date the machine was last serviced.


If unchecked, this will disable the specified FasCard reader at the selected location.

Deleting a Machine

To delete an equipment type, navigate to the FasCard Admin site and sign in with an Admin or Machine Setup account and follow the steps below.

  1. Click the Setup tab.

  2. Click the Equipment Types link.

  3. Select or search for the appropriate location.

  4. Click the machine to be deleted in the Machine Details list.

  5. Click Delete.

  6. Click OK when prompted to confirm deletion, or click Cancel.

Stack Add-On Configuration Details 

The Stack Add-On configuration is intended for use with specialized hardware provided by Card Concepts, allowing a single F2: FasCard Touchscreen Reader reader to interact with both upper and lower machine controls.  Utilizing this setup requires a properly configured equipment type, hardware upgrade, and an adjustment to the machine details.  Once an equipment type is selected that utilizes the dual control configuration, an option for Pocket and Paired With will appear.  Correctly setting these fields is vital to operations.  Paired machines will be indicated with arrows - hovering a mouse pointer over the individual arrow with display the paired machine number.

Additional Information

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