Barcode Scanner Installation & Adjustment

Barcode Scanner Installation & Adjustment


This document will guide the user through the installation and alignment of the LaundryCard barcode scanner. Select the appropriate tab below based on the barcode scanner model.


Required hardware


Barcode Scanner

REPL BY C-1023

BCR Mounting Bracket

BCR Swivel Bracket

BCR Adapter Plate

Required tools

  • 11/32” deep socket

  • Needle nose pliers

  • Philips head screwdriver

  • (For v1 cabinets without studs): Heavy duty velcro or 3M Dual Lock.

Step-by-step guide

Step 1 – Installing the mounting bracket

  1. Position the C-1024A bracket as high as possible, then bolt or Velcro it in place.

    1. Note, there may be markings on the X-Changer door that act as a guide for where the bracket may be placed.

      C-1024A bracket with set screw.

Step 2 – Mounting the scanner to the bracket

  1. Attach the C-1024C bracket with the C-1023 scanner to the C-1024B plate.

Step 3 – Connecting the bracket assembly

  1. Attach the C-1024B assembly to the C-1024A bracket using the 2 set screws.

  2. Tilt the C-1024B plate completely towards the card dispenser.

Step 4 – Aligning the barcode scanner

  1. Slide the C-1024C bracket completely to the right, then rotate it clockwise so the silver connector at the top is pointing to about 2 minutes after midnight on the face of a clock (use the image below for reference).

  2. Screw in the scanner set screw located just to the left of the scanner and tighten slightly.


Step 5 – Final adjustments

  1. Slowly adjust the scanner in millimeter increments by twisting the assembly clockwise while dispensing cards incrementally to test the adjustment.

  2. Adjusting the scanner requires some trial and error as the multi-laser design of the scanner means there is no single perfect alignment.

    1. Pressing the “M” or Zebra logo button will allow the scanner to light up, assisting you in positioning the scanner correctly.

  3. CCI recommends successfully dispensing 25-50 cards consecutively with no errors before tightening the set screw and then testing another 25-50 cards with the door closed and locked.


Reset barcodes

  • DO NOT perform these next steps unless conducted by CCI.

  • These barcodes are used exclusively for the Motorola/Zebra barcode scanners. DO NOT use them on the Symbol type or any other type of scanner.

Resetting the scanners

  1. Unplug the scanner cable.

  2. Plug the cable back in and wait for the beeping to stop.

  3. Scan the “Reset Defaults” barcode first.

  4. The scanner will reset and beep.

  5. Scan the “SNAPI” barcode next.

  6. The scanner should now be set up for the LaundryCard system.

Reset Defaults barcode

SNAPI setup barcode

Reset Defaults barcode

SNAPI setup barcode

INI file settings

[Valuestation1] BarcodeScanModel=MS4407

Required hardware


Step-by-step guide

Step 1 – Installing the scanner

  1. The barcode scanner may be attached to the cabinet door with two strips of Velcro or by attaching the barcode reader to the C-1400-121 scanner plate and then attaching the plate to the cabinet.

    1. It is recommended that there be a 1 ½ to 2-inch space present between the scanner and the card dispenser tray.

Step 2 – Aligning the scanner

  1. When mounted using Velcro, a small card or folded piece of cardboard could be wedged on the top of the barcode unit.

  2. When mounted using the scanner plate, two 8-32 Philips screws can be inserted into the plate, forcing the scanner to lean backward.

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