How-to Remove Employees From the Hours Editor

How-to Remove Employees From the Hours Editor

The following guide is meant to provide an overview on the process behind removing attendants from the Hours Editor and schedule in LaundryCard.


If an owner is interested in removing old employees from the schedule, the following steps will need to be escalated to Level 2 for completion. Simply invalidating the attendant account will not remove them from the schedule, as a database modification is required.

L1 steps:

  1. Record all card numbers and attendant names that the owner is requesting to be deleted in a SUP ticket.

  2. Escalate the SUP ticket to L2, using the Escalation Template, advising them to remove the listed attendants from the Hours Editor.

    1. Link this document as well to act as a reference point.

L2 steps:

  1. Access the primary X-Changer DB through MSSQL.

  2. Generate a new query using the following commands, replacing ‘CARDNUMBERHERE’ with the 12-digit attendant card number requested:

    1. Note the number of cards that can be removed does not matter, just make sure the last card added does not have the ‘OR’ operator at the end.

      SELECT TOP (200) CardNumber, UserName, UserType, Balance, Bonus, CardStatus FROM Card WHERE (UserType > 0) AND (CardNumber = CARDNUMBERHERE) OR (UserType > 0) AND (CardNumber = CARDNUMBERHERE) OR (UserType > 0) AND (CardNumber = CARDNUMBERHERE) OR (UserType > 0) AND (CardNumber = CARDNUMBERHERE) OR (UserType > 0) AND (CardNumber = CARDNUMBERHERE) OR (UserType > 0) AND (CardNumber = CARDNUMBERHERE) OR (UserType > 0) AND (CardNumber = CARDNUMBERHERE) ORDER BY CardNumber
  3. Execute the above query once all card numbers have been filled in.

    1. If you do receive an error after execution, be sure to read over it entirely and fix as needed.

  4. Verify the cards have been removed successfully from the Hours Editor menu.

    1. The attendant accounts may be present in the Hours Editor dropdown menu, but will not be selectable.

  5. Accessing the Cards > Search function, search for the attendant cards you removed and complete the following in their respective card details pages:

    1. Zero out the card balance and bonus.

    2. Zero out any discounts applied.

    3. Set card type to Customer.

    4. Set card status to Invalid.

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