How-To Issue a Refund via Datacap

How-To Issue a Refund via Datacap


This is a step-by-step guide on how to issue a refund using the Datacap virtual terminal.

Before issuing a refund for the first time, please contact Datacap (978-744-9090 Option 1) to ensure proper use of the Datacap virtual terminal. 

Step-by-step guide

Gathering information

  1. Find out which X-Changer the credit card transaction happened on

    1. This can be found in Reports > Credit Card Transactions report

  2. Obtain and record the Merchant Numbers for the X-Changer you would like to issue a refund on.

    1. To do this, access them from the Manager's Menu. Navigate to System Setup > General Info >  Scroll down until you reach Credit Card Settings

    2. Record the numbers as highlighted below. 

Merchant number notice

Your merchant numbers may not start with the letters "PUR" but will be located in the Credit Card Settings section. 

Issuing the refund

  1. Navigate to https://vt.dcap.com/#!/configure

  2. Select the Configure tab.

  3. Fill out all required information, and click Save

  4. Click the Payment tab.

  5. Click the Transaction Type box to change the transaction to Return status.

  6. Fill out all information on the screen.

  7. Select Process Transaction

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